Friday, July 23, 2010


Ask you shall finally receive!

This week's life lesson is being a wee bit more aggressive in the corporate PJ world can pay off. After I vented yesterday, I wrote the unnamed head of office for the paper again and apologized for my persistence but I wanted to follow up and even see if he got my email in the first place or if he just chose to ignore me by will.

He wrote me back informing me that I needed to write the sports editor blah blah blah to tell him what I was going to be doing and see if he was interested in running it in the school paper. I smell a publication...a nice wonderful picture with a little caption underneath that reads "PHOTO BY MEGAN STEARMAN"

Anyways, that unnamed sports editor has yet to write me back BUT today in my possession I hold a letter that states:

"Megan Stearman will be shooting and reporting for the College Heights Herald, the Western Kentucky University student newspaper, at the 2010 ConocoPhillips National Championships during the week, August 3-7th in Irvine, California..."

Did anyone happen to catch a keyword of interest? Reporting?! Me? Ha ha I don't think so... I have never worked on a school publication of any type and I haven't written a sports story since I had my intermediate news reporting class. I mean sure Mr. Highland said I should work with the sports section for the paper because he liked my writing - but that doesn't mean that I can really impress everyone else as I did him. I think I am a terrible writer and it absolutely scares me that I may have to do this.

I could completely impress someone and perhaps shed some more light on a sport that gets overshadowed by our other amazing athletic teams (sometimes I wish sarcasm could be a font option like italic or bolding so people could easily get it)

Ooh, maybe they just included the reporting part to make me sound more official and that way there would be no questions as to why I am even there with all the other high end media.

Yeah, lets go with that.


Anonymous Michael S. said...

Just so you know, you're going to be awesome at this. I'm super glad you're finally getting the attention your skills deserve!

July 24, 2010 at 12:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

YAY CALI!!! 1 week and you get to shoot countless shots of us swimming, and let me play with your camera, I mean what? Also- I think your writing is great, and you have some experts to help with your swim lingo if needed, just sayin...

July 24, 2010 at 9:19 PM  
Anonymous Megan Stearman said...

Thanks Michael, I'm not gonna lie - I am really nervous about it. I've never had to cover an event like this and I know there's not really any but I just feel an immense amount of pressure on my shoulders. It'll all work out though.

July 26, 2010 at 4:44 PM  
Anonymous Megan Stearman said...

And thank you anonymous... I will be sure to teach you some more so you can pass me up in skill and talent. I'm glad you enjoy it - it gets to be pretty fun, yeah?

July 26, 2010 at 4:46 PM  

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