Thursday, August 12, 2010

Lochte vs. Phelps

Now for all of you that may have been like me about a week ago, I wasn't even sure who Ryan Lochte was except that you could text his name in to be eligible to win his shoe. Well shame on you! You all should know one of the Olympians that represented your country - and no, he may not have done as well as Michael Phelps with his 15 medals and Lochte's five... but that is not what is the matter at hand!

As my followers, you now know that I went out and shot the Nationals and the only big person I knew of because of the Olympics was Phelps. On the last day of the meet, I got my picture taken and was able to talk to Ryan Lochte - the man was a sweetheart. He signed a swim cap and one of my business cards for me and then let me get a picture with him. A couple hours later I saw Phelps walking around attempt number one fell short because I was warned by some man that Michael was not in a good mood because he had just lost his race to Lochte and the second time I tried one of Michael's teammates had to walk past Michael to tell me that he was in a rush and didn't have time - then he walked right past me once I went back to our tents.

Point being - Michael's out and Ryan is in - in my book at least. Michael may be one of the greatest swimmers in the world but Ryan is the one that actually cares about the people around him. And Lil Wayne made a special song for Michael which is sickening for me to think about because I wanted nothing to do with that man, ever again! I hope he loses every race to Lochte and then how are you going to pout Michael?! Turn down children who really look up to you?

Besides all that mess. I had a really good time (outside of the airports with all the looneys) and met a really nice photographer that works in Cali. He told me (afterward) there were a couple of Sports Illustrated guys that I should have gone up and talked too but we all know that my bravery doesn't exceed that high yet.

Took several of pictures - some have made way to my website, others I am still sorting through so patience is key! I know you all are dying to buy! Go check out the pictures and let me know what you think.


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