Sunday, August 8, 2010

Frontier Airlines

I was already awake and ready to go home when my alarm went off. I was really excited to get a head start and depart for the airport and get there with plenty of time to go eat and relax - so I thought. I waited outside our hotel for my shuttle where my driver just hated his job and life for doing what he does on a daily basis. Thankfully the ride was short because he was a delightful peach.

As I walk up to my gate, which was conveniently, located right behind the security area. I hear this man yelling into what I thought was his iPod headphones because that’s the type of Bluetooth set he brought – real cool mister.

By this time the man had caught my interest so I sit as close to him without seating too close. But I was close enough to read his oversized name-tag that deemed him Clayton. I couldn’t help but hearing because I was seated here eavesdropping into his conversation where he apparently seems to be yelling at whichever service drove him to the airport that was suppose to arrive at 7, but didn’t arrive until 7:10 and gave him only 40 minutes to do everything in the airport.

Which apparently he was able to do because he’s pacing in Gate 5 – but no no not enough. They have to pay for his flight because he “missed it” or pay for him to get a hotel and all other accommodations because he just so happens to be out of money along with being stranded in the airport – poor fellow.

His antics and over enthused behavior seems to have everyone staring and he kept looking for people sitting next to him for support. I thought these people would be crazy to console this wacko who’s wearing a black FBI hat yelling like a banshee. NO! They were playing for the bad guys and actually consoling this guy. And now he has the woman that was seated across from him acting as his attorney on the phone with the supervisor – now the question is, is she really an attorney? Doubtful.

Anyways, their team seems to be losing and not getting what they want. Sure will make the time go by a little by quicker with Santa Ana’s version of Freaks of Our Lives.

In some odd way I feel as if I should admire these folk for their audacity to stick it to the man and fight for something they believe they’re in the right for. Because I know that I could never do that but then again I really wouldn’t rely on anyone else but myself to get me somewhere at time.

Now I don’t know who to root for…


Anonymous Michael said...

Obviously you should be rooting for me. I usually just make sure I am in situations that are full of win.

August 9, 2010 at 1:36 AM  

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