So Mr. B so graciously gave our class an offer.
He can either cut out the last assignment he just gave us and throw in a time to build our portfolios, write cover letters and resumes and send them out to five employers that we would like to work for.
Only a couple of problems with that whole idea. I had found a really good story that I was excited about because I finally found one that had more
conflict in it than any person should ever have in their life and I don't really think I have a variety of images to present a strong portfolio. Right now, I have a plethora of swimming pictures of both collegiate and Olympian athletes but that's all there is folks.
Oy, all of this graduation stuff and where am I going to be in my life is already scaring me enough because I am beginning to doubt that I chose the right major. Sure, I love photography still and shooting sports is definitely my passion. But I am not good at all the other stuff - portraits (I can't do the lighting correctly), features (always seem to miss the moment), stories (never have enough time to develop the conflict in it), art (eh, don't really shoot it enough)..
No, I am not just feeling sorry for myself nor am I giving myself criticism to fish for compliments. I know what I am good at and I know what I'm not. Whether it is because I have the resources to make myself better or not isn't the question to me. I've always gone by "it's not the equipment, it's the photographer" so maybe my cliche is just biting me in the rear this time.
I'll figure something out. I hope, my resume doesn't seem as strong as it could but that's what Mr. B has planned for the last couple of weeks in the semester.
Sports Illustrated, be looking for my work! Because here it comes!
Anyone know their mailing address?