Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Hot Rods

I just love the kid's face in this picture, I'm not sure if he's looking at him like he's an alien or if he's just confused on everything that is going around him. Just love it.

Awesome peak action for me - shot with the 300mm f/2.8 my friend has let me so kindly borrow. I'm beginning to fall in love with it though.. this was originally overexposed and I'm not sure if I was able to edit it correctly to make it look "normal" - hope so.

Again, I just love the face and the positioning of the body as he slides into second in this one.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Best Picture

Thankfully I had just moved over the the third base dugout just before this took place at home plate. I actually have the entire sequence of this out and can be seen here

The Hot Rods have submitted it to be up for Best Picture of the Week - I'll keep my fingers crossed because that would be really cool and a huge honor!